Anglian Water: Strategic Alliances

With over 6 million customers, 38,000km of water pipes and more than 1,100 water recycling centres, Anglian Water has a significant capital investment programme to run and improve its infrastructure. Since 2015, Anglian Water has taken a constructive new approach to project partnerships and set a new benchmark for collaborative working to bring environmental and social prosperity to the region we serve through our commitment to Love Every Drop.

We established a series of partnership collaborations, including the @one Alliance and Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA). The strategic alliances work on large infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects across East Anglia and Hartlepool to provide resilience to drought and ensure water and water recycling services consistently deliver to our customers.

Each alliance brings onboard partners and drives an integrated approach to project delivery. The structure of each alliance ensures all partners are integrated, collaborate towards a common goal and deploy best-for-task resources to unlock innovation. We see huge benefits to this approach including standardisation across projects, significant cost savings and importantly huge capital carbon reductions.

Take a look below to understand both Alliance’s in more detail, the projects they work on and how you could be part of delivering sustainable, forward thinking and exciting initiatives to the region we serve.

The @one Alliance is a partnership consisting of 7 companies who each provide specialised knowledge allowing the @one Alliance to deliver complex delivery projects in the most efficient way, reducing the cost to Anglian Water’s customers.

Within @one Alliance we’re currently embarking on a huge programme of work costing a massive £1.2 billion. We’re almost halfway through our current 5-year Asset Management Period (AMP7) meaning we’re full steam ahead in delivering around 50% of Anglian Water’s capital delivery projects.

Our partners are Anglian Water Asset Delivery, Balfour Beatty, Barhale, Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB), SWECO, SKANSKA and MWH Treatment. Employees in the @one Alliance are employed across all our partner companies and work together to deliver complex programmes of work.

The @one Alliance is currently working on over 700 projects all designed to improve and expand the Anglian Water network to better serve existing customers and help ensure supply for future customers as well.

The Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA) is creating hundreds of kilometres of new, interconnecting pipelines to help combat the impact of climate change and keep fresh, clean water flowing across the Anglian Water region.  

Our aim is to make the region, one of the most rapidly growing in the country, resilient to the risks of drought by securing water supplies for future generations.  

The new network is one of the largest infrastructure projects for a generation. 

It is a complex and challenging major infrastructure project.  

We selected partners that bring a wealth of experience, new mindsets, thinking and innovation for what is an incredibly exciting programme. They are: Costain, Farrans, Jacobs, Mott MacDonald Bentley.